Research -> Modeling -> Uncertainty
Models are simplified representations of the complexity of real environmental systems. Therefore model results carry uncertainties related to the model structure, model parameters and model inputs.
S. Achleitner ©
Gewichtung von Unsicherheiten der Niederschlagsprognose zur Hochwasservorhersage im Alpinen Raum
Uncertainty Assessment of Rainfall Predictions for Flood Forecasting in Alpine Areas
This project aims at assessing the quality of meteorological weather predictions for flood forecasting in alpine areas. In particular, the influence of topographic factors, the increase of uncertainty with growing forecast-horizon and the error-propagation from meteorological inputs to hydrological runoff output predictions of the Inn river system in Austria are assessed.
S. Achleitner (alpS - Center of Natural Hazard Management)
H. Stoetter (Department of Geography,
University of Innsbruck)
funded by: Tyrolian Science Funds (TWF)