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Herbstritt B., Grahler B., Seeger S., Rinderer M., Weiler M. (2023): Technical Note: Discrete in situ vapor sampling for subsequent lab-based water stabel isotope analysis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences HESS 27, p. 3701-3728, doi: org/10.5194/hess-27-3701-2023.

Orlowski N., Rinderer M., Dubbert M., Ceperley N., Hrachowitz M., Gessler A., Rothfuss Y., Sprenger M., Heidbuechel I., Kuebert A., Beyer M., Zuecco G., McCarter C. (2023): Challenges in studying water fluxes within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum: A tracer-based perspective on pathways to progress. Science of the Total Environment 882, p. 1-16.  doi: org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163510.

Berthelin R., Olarinoye T., Rinderer M., Mudarra M., Demand D., Scheller M., Hartmann A., (2023): Estimating karst groundwater recharge from soil moisture observations - A new method tested at the Swabian Alb, Southwest Germany. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion HESS 27, p. 385-400, doi: org/10.5194/hess-2022-291.

 Rinderer M., Krueger J., Lang F., Puhlmann H., Weiler M. (2021): Subsurface flow and phosphorus dynamics in beech forest hillslopes during sprinkling experiments. How fast is phosphorus replanished? Biogeosciences 18, p. 1009–1027, doi:/10.5194/bg-18-1009-2021.

Mennekes D., Rinderer M., Seeger S., Orlowski N. (2021): Ecohydrological travel times derived from in situ stable water isotope measurements in trees during a semi-controlled pot experiment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences HESS 25, p. 4513-4530. doi: org/10.5194/hess-25-4513-2021.

Jeřábek J., Rinderer M., Gessler A., Weiler M. (2020): Xylem sap phosphorus sampling using microdialysis—a non-destructive high sampling frequency method tested under laboratory and field conditions. Tree Physiology, 40 (11), p. 1623–1638, doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpaa081.

Berthelin R., Rinderer M., Andreo B., Baker A., Kilian D., Leonhardt G., Lotz A., Lichtenwoehrer K., Mudarra M., Padilla I.,Pantoja Agreda F., Rosolem R., Vale A., Hartmann A., (2020): A soil moisture monitoring network to characterize karstic rechargeand evapotranspiration at five representative sites across the globe. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods. Data Systems, 9, p. 11–23, doi: 10.5194/gi-9-11-2020

Rinderer M., van Meerveld I, McGlynn B. (2019): "From points to patterns: Using groundwater time series clustering to investigate subsurface hydrological connectivity and runoff source area dynamics". Water Resources Research 55, p. 5784–5806, doi: 10.1029/2018WR023886.

Sprenger M., Stumpp C., Allen S., Benettin P., Dubbert, M., Hartmann A., Hrachowitz M., Orlowski N., Pfahl S., Rinderer M., Rodriguez N., Werner C., Weiler M. (2019): The demographics of water: A review of water ages in the critical zone. Reviews of Geophysics, doi: 2018RG000633.

Chifflard P., Achleitner S., Blume, T., Maerker T., Hopp L., van Meerveld I., Graef T., Gronz O., Hartmann, A., Kohl B., Martini E., Reinhardt-Imjela, Reiss M., Rinderer M. (2019): How can we model subsurface stormflow at the catchment scale if we cannot measure it? Hydrological Processes - Invited Commentary, doi: 10.1002/hyp.13407.

Rinderer M., Ali G., Larsen L. (2018): Assessing structural, functional and effective hydrologic connectivity with brain neurscience methods: State-of-the-art and research directions. Earth Science Reviews 178, p. 29-47, doi: /10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.01.009.

Zuecco G., Rinderer M., Penna. D., Borga M., van Meerveld I. (2018): Quantification of subsurface hydrologic connectivity in four headwater catchments using graph-theory. Science of the Total Environment 646, p. 1265-1280, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.269.

Von Freyberg J., Studer B., Rinderer M., Kirchner J. (2018): Studying catchment storm response using event and pre-event water volumes as fractions of precipitation rather than discharge. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22, p. 5847-5865, doi: /10.5194/hess-22-5847.

Van Meerveld I., Fischer B.M.C., Rinderer M., Stähli M., Seibert J. (2018): Runoff generation in a pre-alpine catchment: A discussion between a tracer and a shallow groundwater hydrologist. Geographical Research Letters 44/ Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 44. doi: 10.18172/cig.3349

Rinderer M., McGlynn, B., van Meerveld I. (2017): Groundwater similarity across a watershed derived from time-warped and flow-corrected time series. In: Water Resources Research 53. p. 1 - 20. doi: 2016WR019856.

Rinderer M., van Meerveld I., Stähli M., Seibert J. (2016): Is groundwater response timing in a pre-alpine catchment controlled more by topography or by rainfall? In: Hydrological Processes. doi:10.1002/hyp.10634.

Fischer B. M. C., Rinderer M., Schneider P., Ewen T., Seibert J., (2015): Contributing sources to baseflow in pre-alpine headwaters using spatial snapshot sampling. Hydrological Processes 30, p. 1036 – 1051. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10529.

Rinderer M., Komakech H. C., Müller D., Wiesenberg G.L.B., Seibert J. (2015): Qualitative soil moisture assessment in semi-arid Africa - The role of experience and training on inter-rater reliability. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19, p. 3905 – 3916. doi:10.5194/hess-19-3505-2015.

Rinderer M., van Meerveld I., Seibert J. (2014): Topographic controls on shallow groundwater levels in a steep, pre-alpine catchment – When is the steady state assumption valid? In: Water Resources Research 50-7, p. 6067-6080.

Rinderer M., Kollegger A., Fischer B. M. C., Stähli M., Seibert J. (2012): Sensing with boots and trousers – qualitative field observations of shallow soil moisture patterns. In: Hydrological Processes 26-26 p. 4112-4120, doi: 10.1002/hyp.9531.

Rinderer M., Seibert J. (2012): Soil Information in Hydrologic Models: Hard Data, Soft Data, and the Dialog between Experimentalists and Modelers. In: Lin H. (Ed.): Hydropedology: Synergistic Integration of Soil Science and Hydrology. Waltham. Academic Press, Elsevier B.V., p. 515–536.

Achleitner S., Schöber J., Rinderer M., Leonhardt G., Schöberl F., Kirnbauer R., Schönlaub H. (2012): Analyzing the operational performance of the hydrological models in an alpine flood forecasting system. In: Journal of Hydrology 412-413, p. 90-100 doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.07.047

Rinderer M., Jenewein S., Senfter S., Rickenmann D., Schöberl F., Stötter J., Hegg C.: (2010): Runoff and bedload transport modelling for flood hazard assessment in small alpine catchments – the model PROMABGIS. – In: (Veulliet E., Stötter J., Weck-Hannemann H. (eds.): Sustainability in Natural Hazard Management. Berlin.

Rinderer M., Rickenmann D. (2009): Abfluss- und Geschiebetransportabschätzung in Wildbächen für Bemessungsfragen – Methoden aus heutiger Sicht und Unsicherheiten der Ergebnisse. – In: (Rutschmann P. ed.): Zukunftsfähiger Wasserbau und Flussgebietsmanagement: Wasser- und Feststofftransport in Fläche und Fluss. (= Berichte des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, Nr. 123). München, p. 28-42.

Achleitner S., Rinderer M., Kirnbauer R. (2009): Hydrological modeling in alpine catchments: Sensing the critical parameters towards an efficient model calibration. Water Science and Technology 60 (6), p. 1507-1514.

Achleitner, S., Rinderer, M., Kirnbauer, R., Kleindienst H. (2008): Hydrological modelling in alpine catchments – sensing the critical parameters towards an efficient model calibration – In: (Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) (ed.)): Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence, 5th – 8th of May 2008, Toronto / Canada.

Schöberl F., Stötter J., Schönlaub H., Ploner A., Sönser T., Jenewein S., Rinderer M.: (2004): PROMABGIS: Ein GIS-basiertes Werkzeug für die Ermittlung von Massenbilanzen in alpinen Einzugsgebieten – In: (Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft Interpraevent (ed.)): Proceedings International Symposium Interpraevent, Riva del Garda. Vol. 3, p. 271-282.

Stötter J., Meissl G., Rinderer M., Keiler M., Fuchs S.: (2002): Galtür. Eine Gemeinde im Zeichen des Lawinenereignisses von 1999. - In: (Steinicke, E. (ed.)): Geographischer Exkursionsführer. Europaregion Tirol, Südtirol, Trentino, Band 2. Spezialexkursionen im Bundesland Tirol. (= Innsbrucker Geographische Studien 33/2). Innsbruck, S.167-184.


Selected Conference Contributions and Talks:


Berthelin R., Rinderer M., Mudarra M., Olarinoye T., Demand D., Scheller M., Hartmann A.: (2022): Characterization of karst groundwater recharge at different climates using soil moisture observations. American Geosciences Union General Assembly (AGU), 12th of Dezember – 16th December 2022, Chicago, USA. (poster).


Olarinoye T., Rinderer M., Gleeson T., Hartmann A.: (2022): Redefining automatic karst hydrograph recession analysis: Introducing variable matrix fractions and parameters uncertainty American Geosciences Union General Assembly (AGU), 12th of Dezember – 16th December 2022, Chicago, USA. (poster).


Berthelin R., Rinderer M., Mudarra M., Demand D., Hartmann A.: (2022): A new approach to assess karstic groundwater recharge tested at six sites across the globe. EuroKarst 22nd of June – 25th of June 2022, Malaga. (talk).


Olarinoye T., Rinderer M., Gleeson T., Hartmann A.: (2022): A new automated estimation method for master recession parameters and uncertainty quantification. EuroKarst 22nd of June – 25th of June 2022, Malaga. (talk).


Rinderer M. (2021): Hazard assessment on the regional scale under current and future climate scenarios. Workshop on Climate Change and Mountain Risks in the European Alps – from Recognition to Management. 23rd of August – 27th of August 2021, Saas Fee (talk).


Seeger S., Rinderer M., Weiler M. (2020): Dem Wasser auf den Fersen - In-situ Isotopenmessungen in Boden und Bäumen. Tag der Hydrologie, 31st of March - 1st of April 2020, Potsda (poster).


Rinderer M., Weiler M. (2020): Is phosphorus export from beech forest stands transport- or source-limited? European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 04–08 April 2020. (poster).


Orlowski N., Mennekes D., Seeger S., de Boer H., Weiler M, Rinderer M. (2020): Monitoring tree species-specific water uptake strategies via continuous in-situ stable water isotope measurements. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 04–08 April 2020. (poster).


Mennekes D., Rinderer M., Seeger S., de Boer H., Orlowski N., Weiler M. (2020): Isotope labelling experiment to infer ecohydrological travel times. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 04–08 April 2020. (poster).


Seeger S., Rinderer M., Weiler M. (2020): Inferring plant physiologic parameters for root water uptake modelling from high frequency in-situ isotope measurements. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 04–08 April 2020. (poster).


Rinderer M. (2020): Subsurface Flow and Phosphorus Fluxes in Forest Ecosystems. Forest Research Insitute Baden-Wuerttemberg, Freiburg, Germany, 14th of January 2020 (invited talk).


 Orlowski N., Mennekes D., Seeger S, Weiler M, Rinderer M. (2019): Comparing tree species-specific water uptake strategies via continuous in-situ monitoring of stable water isotopes. American Geosciences Union General Assembly (AGU), 09–13 December 2019, San Francisco, USA. (poster).


Rinderer M. (2019): fects of alpine snow cover changes on the water balance and plant water uptake at the treeline ecotone. UFZ Halle, Halle, Germany, 21st of Oct, 2019 (invited talk).


Rinderer M. (2019): Effects of alpine snow cover changes on the water balance and plant water uptake at the treeline ecotone. Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape - WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 21st of June, 2019 (talk).


Rinderer M. (2019): Water and Nutrient Fluxes in Mountain Headwaters: From the Hillslope to the Catchment, from the Root to the Canopy. Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland, 9th of May 2019 (invited talk).


Jeřábek J., Rinderer M., Weiler M., Gessler A. (2019): Novel use of microdialysis for high frequent xylem sap phosphate sampling in xylem sap from of beech trees. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 07–12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria. (poster).


Rinderer M., Seeger S., Herbstritt B., Weiler M. (2019): Isotopes and water flow dynamics – Is the thrill already gone? The added value of high-frequent isotope data for understanding soil water flow. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 07–12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria. (poster).


Rinderer M., Seeger S., Herbstritt B., Weiler M. (2019): Wasser und Phosphor auf der Spur: Neue Messverfahren zur zeitlich hochaufgelösten Beobachtung von Wasser- und Nährstoffflüssen in Waldstandorten. Tag der Hydrologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, 28th March, 2019 (talk).


Rinderer M., Seeger S., Herbstritt B., Weiler M. (invited): Runoff dynamic and nutrient transport under extreme rainfall events in temperate forests – results from large-scale sprinkling experiments. Joint Conference on Forests and Water 2018, 5–9 November 2018, Valdivia, Chile (invited talk).


Freyberg J., Allen S., Seeger S., Weiler M., Studer B., Rinderer M., Kirchner J., (2018): Alternative approaches for using stable water isotopes in catchment hydrology studies. American Geosciences Union General Assembly (AGU), 10–14 December 2018, Washington DC, USA.


Sprenger M., Stumpp C., Allen S., Benettin P., Dubbert, M., Hartmann A., Hrachowitz M., Orlowski N., Pfahl S., Rinderer M., Rodriguez N., Werner C., Weiler M. (2018): Towards improved travel time estimates that account for interfaces in the hydrological cycle. American Geosciences Union General Assembly (AGU), 10–14 December 2018, Washington DC, USA.


Zuecco G., Rinderer M., Penna D., Borga Mvan Meerveld I. (2018): Application of graph theory to describe subsurface connectivity: results for four headwater catchments and sensitivity analysis. 17th Biennial Conference ERB - Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins, 11 – 14 September 2018, Darmstadt, Germany. (poster).


Rinderer M. (2017): Chasing water and nutrients in mountain headwaters. IHF Kolloquium, 30th of November 2017, Freiburg, Germany (invited talk)


Jeřábek J., Herbstritt B., Rinderer M., Gessler A., Weiler M. (2017): Investigating water and nutrient uptake by trees with in-situ measurements of water stable isotopes and phosphate in xylem. EGU Leonardo Conference 2017, 16–18 October 2017, Black Forest, Germany (talk)


Herbstritt, B, Rinderer M., Weiler M. (2017): Diffusion-tight bags for repeated, discrete soil and xylem water vapor isotope sampling. EGU Leonardo Conference 2017, 16–18 October 2017, Black Forest, Germany (poster).


Seeger S., Herbstritt B., Rinderer M., Weiler M. (2017): What can isotopes tell us about the influence of grassland diversity on plant water uptake? EGU Leonardo Conference 2017, 16–18 October 2017, Black Forest, Germany (talk).


Rinderer M. (2017): Phosphorus and water flux dynamics in runoff and plant uptake in forested headwaters. Annual SPP Meeting, 9–11 October 2017, Hofgeismar, Germany. (invited talk)


Zuecco G., Rinderer M., van Meerveld H.J., Penna D., Borga M. (2017): Quantification of subsurface hydrologic connectivity in mountain catchments. 11th International AIIA Conference, 5-8 of July, 2017, Bari, Italy, (poster)


Rinderer M. (2017): From Points to Patterns – Groundwater Connectivity and Catchment-Scale Streamflow Response. Young Scientist Meeting, 4th of July 2017, Freiburg, Germany. (talk)


Rinderer M., van Meerveld I., McGlynn B. (2017): Measuring and modeling spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater storage dynamics to better understand nonlinear streamflow response. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 23–28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria, (poster).


Rinderer, M. Ali., G., Larsen L., (2017): Quantifying hydrologic connectivity with measures from the brain neurosciences – a feasibility study. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 23–28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria, (poster).


Rinderer M., van Meerveld I., McGlynn B. (2016): From Points to Patterns – Functional Relations between Groundwater Connectivity and Catchment-scale Streamflow Response. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU), 12–16 December 2016, San Francisco, USA, (poster).


Ali G., Rinderer M. (2016): When brain neuroscience meets hydrology: timeseries analysis methods for capturing structural and functional aspects of hydrologic connectivity. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU), 12–16 December 2016, San Francisco, USA, (poster).


Zuecco G., Rinderer M., van Meerveld H.J., Penna D., Borga M. (2016): Comparison of subsurface connectivity in alpine headwater catchments. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria, (poster).


Rinderer M., McGlynn B. (2015): From points to patterns - Transferring point scale groundwater measurements to catchment scale response patterns using time series modeling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU), 14–18 December 2015, San Francisco, USA, (poster).


Ewen T., Seibert J., Rinderer M., Brunner M., Addor N., Viviroli D. (2015): Using Statistics in hydrology. World Statistics Day, 20th of October 2015, Zurich, Switzerland. (poster).


Rinderer M., (2015): Groundwater Response Timing in a Pre-Alpine Catchment: The Role of Topography, Rainfall Characteristics and Antecedent Wetness. Gordon Research Seminar: „Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry“, 13-14. June 2015, Andover, NH, USA. (invited talk).


Rinderer M., van Meerveld I, Stähli M., Seibert J.: (2015): Groundwater Response Timing in a Pre-Alpine Catchment: The Role of Topography, Rainfall Characteristics and Antecedent Wetness. Gordon Research Conference: „Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry“, 15-19. June 2015, Andover, NH, USA. (poster).


Rinderer M., (2014): Qualitative Soil Moisture Classification – Results of a Case Study with Farmers and Students at Mungushi/Tanzania. iMoMo – Meeting, 8th of October, Neuchatel, Switzerland, (invited talk).


Rinderer M., van Meerveld H.J, Stähli M., Seibert J. (2014): Controls on Groundwater Response Timing in a Subalpine Catchment. AGU Chapman Conference on Catchment Spatial Organization and Complex Behavior, 23-26 September, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. (poster & extended abstract).


Rinderer M., (2014): Qualitative Soil Moisture Classification – Results of a Case Study with Farmers and Students at Mungushi/Tanzania, 2nd Workshop at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, 30th of June 2014, Arusha, Tazania. (invited keynote lecture).


Rinderer M., Fischer B.M.C., Seibert J. (2014): The “Boots & Trousers” Method: Qualitative field observations of shallow soil moisture patterns – An extension to dry soils. Tech4Dev International Conference, 3rd UNESCO Conference on Technologies for Development, 4-6 June 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland. (poster).


Rinderer M., van Meerveld I., Seibert J. (2014): When is the steady state assumption valid? - Topographic controls on shallow groundwater levels in a steep, pre-alpine catchment. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), 27 of April – 02 of May 2014, Vienna, Austria, (poster).


Rinderer M. (2014): Sensing Soil Moisture with Boots & Trousers – The Soft Data Concept and its Context to the iMoMo Project in Tanzania. IMoMo – 1st Workshop at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, 7th of April 2014, Arusha, Tazania. (invited keynote lecture).


Rinderer M. (2014): Using Soft Data in Model Calibration – The Dialog between Experimentalists and Modelers. IMoMo – 1st Workshop at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, 7th of April 2014, Arusha, Tazania. (invited keynote lecture).


Rinderer M. (2013): Groundwater dynamics in a pre-alpine catchment – spatio-temporal variability and key controls. WSL – Kolloquium, 21st of May, 2013, Birmensdorf, Switzerland (invited talk).


Rinderer M., Seibert J., Stähli M. (2013): Grundwasserdynamik eines vor-alpinen Einzugsgebietes – raum-zeitliche Variabilität und ihre dominanten Einflussfaktoren. Tag der Hydrologie 2013, 4-6 April 2013, Bern, Switzerland. (talk).


Rinderer M., Kollegger A., Fischer B.M.C., Stähli M., Seibert J. (2012): Sensing with Boots and Trousers – A new qualitative field method to capture shallow soil moisture patterns in wet environments. 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 16-17 November 2012, Bern, Switzerland. (poster).


Fischer B.M.C., Rinderer M. (2012): Investigating spatial and temporal runoff generation mechanisms in a Swiss pre-alpine catchment. 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 16-17 November 2012, Bern, Switzerland. (talk).


Rinderer M., Fischer B.M.C. (2012): Investigating spatial and temporal runoff generation mechanisms in a Swiss pre alpine catchment. ZHydro 2012, 15th of November 2012. Zurich, Switzerland. (talk).


Rinderer M., Kollegger A., Fischer B., Seibert J. (2012): Kartierung räumlicher Muster der Bodenfeuchte anhand qualitativer Indikatoren. Tag der Hydrologie 2012, 22-23 March 2012, Freiburg, Germany. (poster).


Rinderer M., Kollegger A., Fischer B., Seibert J. (2011): A new qualitative field method to capture shallow soil moisture patterns in wet environments. EGU Leonardo Conference: „Floods in 3D – Processes, Patterns, Predictions“, 23-25 November 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia. (poster).


Rinderer M. (2011): A new qualitative field method to capture shallow soil moisture patterns in wet environments - Proof of concept. ZHydro 2011, 15th of November 2011. Zurich, Switzerland. (poster).


Lehner I., Ewen T., Rinderer M., Fischer B., Seibert J., Seneviratne S.: (2010): Climate patterns in the long-term hydrometeorological data series oft he Rietholzbach catchment. ERB Conference 2010: "Hydrological Responses of Small Basins to a changing environment", 6-8 September 2010, Seggau, Austria. (talk).


Ewen T., Rinderer M., Barnard H., Seibert J., Lehner I., Bosshard T., Seneviratne S. (2009): A spectral analysis of runoff variability for Swiss catchments. 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 20-21 November 2009, Neuchatel, Switzerland. (poster).

Rinderer M., Rickenmann D. (2009): Abfluss- und Geschiebetransportabschätzung in Wildbächen für Bemessungsfragen – Methoden aus heutiger Sicht und Unsicherheiten der Ergebnisse. "Zukunftsfähiger(s)Wasserbau und Flussgebietsmanagement", 30-31 Juli 2009 Wallgau, Germany. (invited talk)